Monday, September 21, 2009

Ten Goofy Things to spice up Monday Morning

Well.. Its monday again and here're a couple of things I dreamed of doing today as I came into DECS. Go ahead and try these (hope you have enough personal insurance though...)'

Disclaimer: T author of this post does not take responsibility for any loss of property / injuries resulting as a result of trying these out.


9. Stand with a writing pad in the corridor, look intently at someone, smile to yourself, shake your head and scribble away...Look at the expression on their face from the corner of your eye

8. Call a close friend and tell them in a very serious voice...."Hey.. Do you remember that time I loaned you a thousand dollars?... I was wondering if you ever returned it?.. " Keep the farce up until the end of the day... put up a facebook status message that says.."someone owes me a thousand dollars"

7. When on the bus...declare loudly into the mobile phone..."Yes.. the reports came in yesterday... It is what we feared..." and watch people melt away from you...

6. Call last weekend's date and tell her you're sorry....when she asks why....ask if she's into Aliens...

5. Go to the library and empty an entire shelf of books onto a table. Then proceed to build a fort with it...Take one book and keep it open just in case anyone should ask you what you're doing.

4. Take a Hand lens to the diary store and examine the glass for ten minutes.....

3. Draw a quirky looking face on the whiteboard... when people stop to stare at it, look up from your book /computer and tell them very curtly..."nope.. its not you....although I do admit there's a slight resemblance..."...

2. Stop someone in the hallway and tell them you're looking for the Ministry of Magic / Justice league headquarters / Voltori's Temple / Space Port...

1. Send a mail to everyone in your research group telling them there's free pizza in Room XYZ where XYZ is a rest room...Watch as everyone comes back frustrated.. I suggest you do this only when you're not in the lab yourself.

(Thanks for reading..comment away)


  1. ROfl!!! this is tooo good! I do one of it a slightly different way.. when standing in the signal.. i choose some random guy.and keep staring at it.. no expression until he gets really queasy and starts moving before the light turns green! :D weirdo freaky me i know :P

  2. Monday morning spiced up with 10 :-) !!

  3. @ Sandhya : I was expecting the first comment from SannivabhinanVAIJOO...but the thing is..u choose some guy and keep staring at "IT" a ?

    @Anchita: thanks ya!! :)

  4. ayoooo i meant "him" aaaah!typo!!
